
The Great Promise: Luke 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Great Promise gives a powerful exegesis of the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke which tells the story of the Advent—focusing on the birth of John the Baptist in preparation for the birth of Christ. It consists of four stenographically recorded biblical lectures which Karl Barth gave to his theology students during Advent in 1934, after his lectures at the University of Bonn had been...

as it reads in the Vulgate. The Luther translation gets nearer to the Greek original when it says, “Du Holdselige!” You who are blessed through God’s favor! Blessed, distinguished by the fact that God has inclined toward you! With this nothing has yet been said about the maiden herself. Not because of her virtue, not for her special piety is she called blessed. But only because the angel imparts this to her, because God through the angel speaks to her, because the light of God falls upon her, illumines
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